Sabtu, 14 April 2012

benefits of cockroaches

Cockroaches are often at the sentence as a dangerous animal to human health, because it is often found in damp places and dirty. However, scientists believe, that the cockroach could beat the germs and bacteria are the most powerful ones.

According to the Daily Mail, testing has found a network of brain and nervous system of insects can kill more than 90 percent of MRSA infections (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and E-coli, without harming human cells.

Simon Lee, a postgraduate researcher from the University of Nottingham said, the cockroach has strong antibiotic properties, after discovering nine different molecules in cockroach tissues that are toxic to bacteria.

He said: "We hope that the molecule may eventually be developed into drugs for E-coli and MRSA infections are increasingly vulnerable to current drugs."

"This new antibiotic, potentially providing an alternative to currently available medications, current medications may be effective but have serious side effects and unwanted."

He added: "Insects often live in unhealthy environments and unhygienic, where they face various kinds of bacteria. It is therefore logical ways memngembangkan insect defenses to protect

  themselves against micro-organisms. "

 Mr Lee's research focuses on the study of specific properties of antibacterial molecules that are currently being tested in these super bugs.

According to the Society for General Microbiology, the pharmaceutical industry resulting in fewer new antibiotics, because of the lack of financial incentives, so that high demand for alternative sources of new drugs.

Dr. Naveed Khan oversees the work Lee. He said: "super bacteria such as MRSA, have developed resistance to standard therapies and treatments we do."
"They have demonstrated the ability to infections that can not be cured, and has become a major threat in our fight against bacterial diseases. So, there is a constant need to find additional sources of new antimicrobial to deal with this threat. "

Cockroaches that had been considered a dirty animal, because of unhygienic living environment, was able to conquer the most dangerous bacteria that exist today.

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